About Us

Altéa-Solutions is a French company specialized in operational missions for industries such as:

• The energy • The Oil & Gas • Petrochemicals • Electric transmission networks • The structures • The buildings We support the Plant Owners in monitoring their infrastructure to ensure their sustainability. Our team A team of specialists made up of experts to analyze the datas (certified FROSIO, NACE Level 2 UIC, BOSIET HUET and COFREND among others), of rope access and certified DGAC drone pilot (Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile) . We are trained to operate all types of missions in sensitive areas onshore and offshore from preparation (installation, Risk Assessment, work permits) to delivery (delivery of raw measurements and / or analysis via our experts). We are committed to implement the necessary means to ensure the safety of structures and people at the work sites. Our added value With the strong increase of the drone market caused by the growth of the use of digital datas and the use of high precision tools for professional use, Altea Solutions can make available its drones in France and all around the world. An innovative service that combines accuracy, timeliness, efficiency and transparency in the industrial expertise. Up to 90% savings on your inspection missions! Our drones are equipped with GPS RTK for better positioning accuracy (+/- 2cm) and sensors to avoid collisions, cameras that provide recordings in 4K (ultra high definition), thermal camera, environmental probe and equipment for DFT, etc ... for the execution of services of:

• Monitoring the state of conservation of your facilities, • Thermography Study of commercial and industrial buildings, • Status and site supervision in order to know the progress of work.