About Us
Logos Technologies specializes in advanced sensors, wide-area motion imagery (WAMI), advanced analytics, and processing of large, multisource datasets. Logos continues to lead the field with miniaturized wide-area motion imagery (WAMI) systems for a wide range of platforms. Founded in 1996 our company is a leading provider of wide-area motion imagery technology. Our customers include the Intelligence Community (IC), Department of Defense (DoD), and law enforcement, as well as commercial and international organizations.
We offer a broad range of system design, development, integration, manufacturing, and operation and intelligence services, including:
• Wide-Area Motion Imagery
• Advanced Analytics
• Large Data Processing and Storage
• Sensor Operations, Maintenance, and Training
• Analytical Training and Support
• R&D Lifecycle Services Logos engineers, operators, analysts, and support staff are trained experts, with years of experience, and our executives are respected leaders in their fields