About Us

We are a dynamic start-up consisting of creative and industry savvy aerial survey enthusiasts based in Sofia, Bulgaria, and encompassing an established business network in Europe. Our renowned specialization is the development of cloud based software (Skyglyph) and industrial surveillance solutions that transform drones into concise instruments for deployment in a wide range of business use cases. Our solutions are designed to bridge the gap between drone technologies and user requirements that deliver the master results that you expect.Skyglyph simplifies the scouting process and management of flight control, asset mapping, site monitoring, data transfer and visual result interpretation. We excel in the professional interpretation of images via the generation of comprehensive analytical and recommended actions reports that can be applied to a variety of survey use case requirements.Our first industrial application, which is based of Skyglyph allows insurance companies to integrate drones in their business processes more easily. Insurers can use Skyglyph to detect and assess of crop and property damages from images, collected by drones. It is means acceleration of claim processing, saving money and avoiding fraud.