About Us

India slowly sees a shift towards electric mobility to contribute towards a more sustainable future. But due to lack of proper infrastructure, the few electric vehicle charging stations are unable to keep pace with the growing numbers of electric vehicles on the road. Customers have to go out of their routes to charge vehicles and have to wait in queue if all the slots are already occupied. This is adding to the already existing difficulties in people adopting electric mobility. Apart from this, the existing charging infrastructure derives power from the grid, which is majorly generated using thermal powerplants. So, fundamentally that shifts the pollution from the cities to the suburbs and thus is not a sustainable solution. We provide an innovative solution enabled by IoT, which addresses the given problem. Real-time data from sensors in charging ports help gauge the occupancy at a particular station and also estimate the time required for the occupying vehicles to charge them. Based on this data, nearby users who require charging are alerted via a mobile application and re-routed to the nearest station having empty slots. These slots can be pre-booked by them to provide a hassle-free charging service. Apart from this, we provide charging stations that derive power from solar energy to create an eco-friendly and sustainable infrastructure.